Virtual Pinball with Real Flippers, Lights, and More
The slippery slope: I started with a plan to not include any “real” mechanical parts in my virtual pinball build and instead rely on six tactile speakers to produce the realistic sound and feel of a real pinball machine. Then I found Cleveland Software, a company that created an easy-to-wire board setup with good solenoids. I got the six-piece kit and loved it. Once you have the basic hardware controller (controlled by DOF, Direct Output Framework), adding more is easy – too easy. Next, I added a shaker motor (a must-have in my book) and bought an old set of Pinbot flipper assemblies from on eBay. I rewired the flippers and they worked well for the “sound” at only 24v.

The real cabinet build involved tedious work, and I played it for several months with no backbox – just monitors stacked on the end of the cabinet. Now, near the end of 2023, I have a real backbox, flasher lights, siren, mechanical parts, and a working plunger. Unfortunately, I still have a long way to go. My next steps include figuring out how to fill the gap between the LG OLED TV and sidewalls, redoing the speaker/monitor cover, taking everything inside OUT and rewiring it properly (it’s currently a rat’s nest). I also need to design/buy decals for the side/front and backbox. I’ve made the cuts for t-molding but haven’t picked the color yet.

I’ve been through so much learning and down many rabbit holes in almost 2 years. I predict it will be another year before it’s finished <cough>.