1. When we initially starting pondering Social Software within our enterprise, I argued that Sharepoint and Social Software were complimentary products that could or should be used together. Many of my co-workers argued that they were competing products where a winner and a loser would eventually be named. My argument of complimentary wasn’t based on a feature comparison or arguing that SharePoint would take over the world but based on the idea of purpose. Sharepoint was pushed out of the gate as a collaboration solution and no one can argue that has done that in spades. We also pushed it as a Intranet solution and that too has taken off with a huge demand. SharePoint has BI solutions but it won’t take over the BI space as it has great portal capabilities but I don’t think the portal guys need to worry. The question that remains to be answered is that as Microsoft adds the additional features will the competing products be able to hold their own? I think so but in the end the business and business solutions will dictate winners and losers not the technology.

  2. The Great Java

    Business users also try to build enterprise systems from Microsoft access! The right technology coupled with training and support will be the best solution.

    You are still right. You can’t compare a closed community that is collaborating with Office docs to a team with a community open to the enterprise share forums, bookmarks, and blogs. Some people don’t get niches. They don’t get overlap is inevitable and in some cases desirable.

    Microsoft has a lot of catch-up work to do to keep up with Jive and LC 2.5. They are great at copying other people’s ideas so I’m sure they’ll come up with something more social than today’s solution.

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